Short Projects

Jim animating "Drums West".

Jim animating “Drums West”.

Today, before proceeding with Jim Henson’s next large project, the Tales of the Tinkerdee pilot, I thought I would briefly cover a number of shorter creative endeavors Jim pursued, some of which overlap with the Sam and Friends time frame. I also hadn’t touched on some of the things going on in Jim’s personal life at the time, and this post will cover some of that, as well.


So, to rewind a bit, in 1960, Jim graduated from the University of Maryland and Jane gave birth to their first child, Lisa Marie Henson. That same year, Jim attended the Puppeteers of America convention, where he met Don Sahlin, a brilliant puppet builder who would come to work/collaborate with him for many years. Around this time,

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Cat and Mouse


Some time around 1960, shortly after marrying Jane, Jim Henson got a Bolex 16 mm movie camera, which had a side release button and allowed him to immerse himself in artistic pursuits other than puppetry, including the short animated film above, which he referred to as an “animated painting”.

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